The latest in the Victory At Sea franchise hits Early Access today.

Our follow up to Victory At Sea Pacific has finally launched in Early Access with a weeklong 10% discount.

Set in the American Civil War we have taken a different slant to other games out there by looking at this conflict from the naval side of things.

Battles took place on both the sea and on rivers of the American Civil War, as the navies of both sides supplied their land forces with resources and transport, requiring both to work together for victory. The Battles on the water powerfully affected the course of the war and would be fundamental as to whom would take victory.

The game enters EA with a fully playable version of the Union campaign. Following on from this will see a Confederate campaign, as well as Modding and a custom battle mode which will launch through Early Access. While the game will launch in EA with a full roster of ports we will be adding more unique port environment designs as well.

We recently played another round of Victory At Sea Ironclad in a Live stream on the Steam store and you can view it here.

You can find out more about the game here.

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